Loma Vista Immersion Academy

Dedicated to excellence in education

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Welcome to Loma Vista Immersion Academy!

  • Who we are

    Welcome to Loma Vista Immersion Academy, Our place for Learning and Growing together.  This Dual Immersion Program emphasizes a bilingual, biliterate and bicultural community with positive cross-cultural attitudes and skills resulting in an enriched experience for all learners as well as the community.


    Click here to learn more

Registration & Virtual Tours

    For a brief introduction to our program, please check out the following one minute video introduction: Loma Vista Program Introduction
    If you are interested in learning more about Loma Vista Immersion Academy, please watch these informational videos about our school and program. Spanish   English
    Please call the front office at (707) 765-4302 or email vcervantes@oldadobe.org or llopez@oldadobe.org to schedule a time fits your schedule. Veronica or Lidia will be happy to assist you in booking a tour or registration appointment.
    Thank you, and as always we hope to see you again soon at our wonderful place for learning and growing, Loma Vista Immersion Academy!